Oasis Community Housing and me

Who would have thought! Out of the blue re-discovering something I hadn’t thought about in years. I am conscious recently of re-connecting with my past more than I have done for many years but this has turned out to be something special.

Several weeks ago their was an anouncement about a suggested lent activity this year. It was to Walk a Mile in their Shoes. I read the leaflet and then chatted to the person who made the announcement. It suddenly hit me that this was the current incarnation of what started out many years ago as Aquila Housing Association. I am sure I could have worked it out otherwise, but Aquila has drifted out of memory when I moved away and had only briefly impinged on my consciousness since then.

I think it was only when I started looking at their website that I fully appreciated how God could take something small and make something so big. My involvement was as a committee member. I’ve forgotten a lot of the details but I remember some things.

Thinking back – it was when I was unemployed I began looking at empty properties around Gateshead and dreaming of how they could be used for people to live in. There was never ever any realistic chance of anything happening but I was aware of the need. Then friends at church shared an idea they had had to start a housing association for homeless young people. I was happy to help and until I moved away I was a shareholder and committee member. One thing I do remember is being part of a sponsored walk down the Derwent Railway Path from Rowlands Gill to Swalwell to raise funds to pay for the registration.

It it strange to read about these young people almost 40 years ago who saw a need and got together to do something about it and realise that I was one of them. I don’t think I did anything very special but God used my contribution to make something much bigger than I could have imagined.


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