Date Walked – Thursday 23rd June 2022
Whilst this was not strictly walking along the line of Hadrian’s Wall this was my walk underneath the River Tyne to get to Segundunum, Wallened Fort.

I started at Jarrow Metro Station and it was a short walk through the town centre to the river.

There’s something about rivers, at least for me I love them, despite the industry surrounding me. I was walking underneath the river this time though.

I decided to walk down the (non-working) escalator which was ok aprt from my vertigo which seems to be getting worse the older I get.

The Tunnel itself didn’t seem half as long as I was expecting.

I did take the lift on the other side, I’m not that enthisiastic. Then I was out into the sunshine again. There was some road walking footpaths and trails through a mainly industrial and post industrial landscape. There were some attractive views on the way, at least I think so.

I then joined Hadrian’s Cycleway for the final stretch into the Town Centre. Who knew Hadrian was a cyclist?

I ended this section of toady’s walk at Segundunum Roman Fort rather than the less inspiring Metro Station. I did look back over the Tyne once more and took the photo of what was Swan Hunter’s Shipyard for my brother-in-law who worked there.