Waljar one – Jarrow to Wallsend

Date Walked – Thursday 23rd June 2022

Route Description

Whilst this was not strictly walking along the line of Hadrian’s Wall this was my walk underneath the River Tyne to get to Segundunum, Wallened Fort.

I started at Jarrow Metro Station and it was a short walk through the town centre to the river.

There’s something about rivers, at least for me I love them, despite the industry surrounding me. I was walking underneath the river this time though.

I decided to walk down the (non-working) escalator which was ok aprt from my vertigo which seems to be getting worse the older I get.

The Tunnel itself didn’t seem half as long as I was expecting.

I did take the lift on the other side, I’m not that enthisiastic. Then I was out into the sunshine again. There was some road walking footpaths and trails through a mainly industrial and post industrial landscape. There were some attractive views on the way, at least I think so.

I then joined Hadrian’s Cycleway for the final stretch into the Town Centre. Who knew Hadrian was a cyclist?

I ended this section of toady’s walk at Segundunum Roman Fort rather than the less inspiring Metro Station. I did look back over the Tyne once more and took the photo of what was Swan Hunter’s Shipyard for my brother-in-law who worked there.