John Henry Le Marquand

1951 – 1952

John is the brother I knew of but never knew. His framed photo was in pride of place on the piano but growing up I don’t remember him being spoken about. There were no mentions on his birthday, I think Mum and Dad’s grief was a private grief, though I do remember Mum and Dad buying holly wreaths at Christmas which they laid on the family grave at St Mary’s. I have no real understanding of that kind of grief. I find myself feeling really sad as I enter details on to the computer of his short life. I found a number of cuttings glued onto the inside front cover of an old photograph album.

It began on August 27th 1951 at the Jersey Maternity Home followed by announcements in the Jersey Evening Post and I am assuming the Hexham Courant.

It was all too soon to turn into tragedy.

The most prominent cutting was this poem of Patience Strong.


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