Sunday 21st May 2023
Distance 18.2km / 11.3 Miles, Ascent at least 500m / 1640ft
Cacabelos – Trabadelo
The day began early as usual, finding a quiet bench to say Morning Prayer as dawn broke before setting off. I walked through the town and over the bridge into the rolling hills which were mainly covered by vineyards.

It was then down into the valley and the lovely town of Villafranca del Bierzo. I passed the Door of Forgiveness where medieval pilgrims who couldn’t make it to Santiago could receive absolution and a compostela.

There were other beautiful buildings like this castle and convent.

After I crossed the bridge over the river with it’s distinctive modern statue, (above), I had a decision to make. I could take the easier route along the valley floor or the scenic route along the mountain ridge over the Alto de Pradela. I chose the scenic route. It was challenging to say the least but produced some of the most breathtaking views of the who pilgrimage.

I detoured to the little village of Pradela where there was an Albergue with a bar where I had some much needed refreshment. From here it was downhill which was every but as challenging as the initial climb if not quite as exhausting.

I finally saw my destination, the village of Trabadelo where I had booked a hotel room.

It was one of the posher places I stayed in and got an air conditioned room with en-suite and a view overlooking the river

I was so glad I had accepted the challenge of the scenic route. This was the most difficult climb since I crossed the Pyrenees on the first day. I was just overwhelmed with the mountain scenery. I was glad too of the practice as I knew I would have to climb that and more tomorrow. I relaxed and enjoyed a lovely meal of the day and wine then got some well earned sleep.