Slow Way Route – Housun one – Houghton-le-Spring to Sunderland
Distance 12km / 7 mi
It was back on the bus to return to Houghton-le-Spring and start of today’s Slow Way. I was not just walking to Sunderland but was visiting Sunderland Basis which is Oasis Community Housing’s drop in centre there.

It was a pleasant walk out of Houghton with some uphill sections out into the countryside. As I had done several times on this walk I thought of access issues for Slow Ways when I met a man in an electric wheeler at the top of this hill. It was as far as he could get as there was a gate which I found difficult to open.

I continued up past a quarry and looked back at the view.

I was enjoying the countryside and appreciating the hills.

When I got to the top I had good views towards the north including Penshaw Monument.

I went downhill past Down at the Farm Attraction then was faced with the first, (and thankfully last) overgrown path of the day.

I battled my way through and was quite surprised to see two walkers in front of me. I caught up with them just before a huge bank of nettles blocking the path and I shared where we were on my OS Map App. Keen to demonstrate my intrepid explorer skills I get busy with my poles to clear a path only to look back and see them retreating in the distance. My ego was crushed! However I had to press on and after getting through the nettles I was given directions from a farm worker which oddly enough confused me. I did eventually get back on the right path and headed off beside the A19.

I crossed the A19 and got details of when I was expected to be at the Drop In. I realised I needed to start speeding up. Thankfully the route into the city was on a shared cycle path so the walking was easy. I was pleasantly surprised too how nice this route was considering I was walking into the city centre.

I arrived with a few minutes to spare and was welcomed by Jo Armstrong. They were short staffed that day but I was given a tour and had some refreshments. I was so glad to be able to visit here today as it really keeps the focus on why I am walking.

It was soon time to return to my Slow Way. As I was being careful to complete each route I had to back track to where I had left the trail. I then continued on into the city centre.

Did that advert apply to me?

I finally arrived at my destination.