North Shields to Seaton Sluice

Date Walked Saturday 14th August 2021

Route DescriptionTyne and Wear Heritage Way Section 1

Before I attempted my next Nordic Walk I wanted to test myself to see if I could walk the distances required. Eight miles was a distance I hadn’t walked since having surgery and my confidence was low. This was also to prove it was practical for me to use public transport to do a liner walk. I picked this walk largely because there were no hills. I am pleased to say that it was a great day and successful on many levels.

I timed my start at North Shields Ferry Terminal to coincide with the opening time of Tynemouth Priory and Castle. I wanted too to make use of the English Heritage Membership I had purchased on impulse during my visit to Holy Island with Christopher. So a Metro journey later I found myself at the start ready for the challenge.

The next section is a walk along the river past the Fish Quay to Tynemouth. The first thing that struck me was that this was a section of the England Coast Path which then prompted me to think that that might me a challenge to attempt! I passed several gated husing dvelopments which made me think about the state of society which sees these as a good thing.

I hadn’t walked along the Fish Quay in years so it was intersting to see the restaurants and bars opposite the Quay itself. I was pleased to see open fish shops with plenty of customers.

I really enjoyed the section between the Fish Quay and Tynemouth it was new to me and the brightening weather, morning freshness, once I had escaped the fish, and the peace and quiet meant for a pleasant walk. I passed the remains of Clifford’s Fort and could just make out the Black Middens Reef. There were also occasional artworks like this memorial sculpture below.

I was soon at Tynemouth and I had a look at Collingwood’s Monument before going to visit the Castle and Priory.

After a good look around the Castle and Priory and an opportunity for a rest it was time to continue walking.

This stretch from Tynemouth to Whitley Bay is familiar and I couldn’t help remembering the afternoon I spent with Brenda walking from Tynemouth to Cullercoats and back.

King Edwards Bay
Long Sands
Cullercoats Harbour

It was a Saturday in August and the sun was shining so there were plenty of people around and I was aware of the constant traffic but it was good walking – including the obligatory fresh sea breeze.

I was pleased to see and appreciate the improvements made to the Promenade and Spanish City at Whitley Bay. As always when I am here I think about what it must have been like when my Mum got the train here on a Sunday School trip from Bellingam.

Spanish City
Whitley Sands

It was after stopping and having my sandwich on a bench by the sea I had a detour to visit a friend who lives nearby. What’s another few kilometers? It was then back to the beach to continue my walk. I passed the landmark of St Mary’s Lighthouse before the last clifftop stratch to my destination at Seaton Sluice.

I was flagging a bit by the time I got to the end. I regretted just wearing trainers with a thin sole. I passed a cafe which was just closing and got some coffee and cake to celebrate though. After a short wander round the village I decided I would have some fish and chips fo my tea. Awesome fish and chips but probably too big a portion after coffee and cake!

All in all though a great day and a beautiful walk.


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