London to Gateshead

  • On the Trail again

    On the Trail again

    Slow Ways Routes – Hunram one, Petram one

    I woke with a new sense of purpose and positivity. I had enjoyed my night in my alternative tent, there was more room and it was definitely easier to pitch and pack away. The boots too were much better, my feet had healed a bit and I could walk around in more comfort. My first task today was to complete the rest of the Slow Way to the town of Ramsey. I had originally hoped to camp at a site the other site of Ramsey but it appeared to be closed and I had had no reply to my email to them.

    The route was just a few metres from the campsite.

    I was soon walking along footpaths through fields and pastures. For the first part of this section I was walking beside a stream. It had the appearance of a drainage ditch sadly. I loved the colours of the wild fruit beside me.

    There were a number of stiles as I approached the village of Broughton, this was the first double one I had come across, though not the last. When climbing over these with a heavy backpack, it does occasionally occur to me to question why!

    Broughton was another quintessentially English villages.

    I stopped in the next village of Wistow as there was a handy bench opposite the church and the (closed) pub for a drink and a snack from my supplies.

    I arrived in the town of Ramsey around 11.00. I stopped at a cafe and ordered a coffee and considered my options. It seemed far too soon to stop for the day. I had discovered Airbnb rooms the evening before so I had a look and I booked a room this side of Peterborough and decided I had plenty of time to continue on. I decided it was time I had a healthy lunch so ordered a salad while I charged my phone.

    A couple of ladies on the next table started chatting and were excited by my challenge. One emptied out their purse and gave me all their change and the other bought me a coffee. It was a lovely moment.

    The second Slow Way of today was such a contrast. I started out through fields

    Then for the rest of the day I was walking on and besides roads. There was quite a stiff breeze by this point in the day and I felt as if I were fighting a cross wind. This was one of those days where the landscape was flat and went on forever. I was however never bored by this as I believe there is always something to engage the senses. Sadly there also was the constant vigilance for passing cars which needed me to stop or attempt to walk along the verge.

    There was an occasional village and at Pondersbridge there was even a river/drain I get confused which.

    I walked on and reached the outskirts of Peterborough. As I walked through the streets I saw a nice church and an incongruous thatched house which did show the history of the place. I eventually arrived at my Airbnb which was an uninspiring house on an estate. The room as great though and the bed was comfortable. As this was my first experience of this type of accommodation and I did struggle a bit to get my head round someone letting out rooms like this. I went downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. The owner and his toddler were watching TV in the living room. It was the right place at the right time . On reflection walking the extra today may not have been the best idea for the healing of my feet but I was glad I had pushed on and felt I could manage my new schedule and would not have to make further adjustments. I wanted to keep to my new finish date and time of 14.30 on Friday 13th October.