London to Gateshead

  • Back to Peterborough

    Back to Peterborough

    I was on my way to the shop this morning thinking about what I would write for this blog post and remembering my journey back to Peterborough with Rev Danie. A man was walking towards me and as I past him he shouted “What are you smiling for you daft c**t”. I hadn’t realised I was smiling but it was a lovely journey just thinking about it brought that smile to my face. It was just great to relax and chat, such a contrast to the train journey the day before with the person sitting next to me in his own world. I was dropped off in Waitrose Car Park beside the railway station and I made my way back to the city centre.

    My first priority was to visit the Oasis Community Housing project. It was great to meet the workers there and to find out a bit more about their work with Ukrainian refugees. Over a cup of tea I met one of the them.

    For once I felt I had plenty of time so decided to visit the Cathedral. I had a look around though strangely rather than the beauty and history of the building I was more taken with a modern sculpture of Peter getting out of the boat when Jesus had approached, walking on the water.

    Before heading to the bus station to return to Huntingdon I called at McDonalds for lunch. The bus journey gave me a chance to see some of the countryside again including the village of Stilton, famous for the cheese. I got a taxi straight to the campsite from the bus station.

    So there I was back to my walk again at the campsite where I had last been four nights before. Different tent, different footwear and happier feet.