Camino de Santiago

  • Camino Day 19 – Good day, great evening.

    Camino Day 19 – Good day, great evening.

    Monday 8th May

    Distance 23.6km / 14.6 miles

    Itero de la Vega – Villarmentero de Campos

    No one in the dorm was obviously awake so I was the first one to get up for a change. I got ready and set off in the dawn light and found some stone benches at the edge of the village. I said Morning Prayer and just as I started walking again I felt something different about my right foot. When I checked I noticed a blister just on the end of my little toe. It’s kind of strange I had not noticed it before. I thought it was strange that I seem to get blisters when I’m stressed and push on when walking without resting properly

    It was a pleasant walk and I got into a steady rhythm with my poles. It enabled my mind to wander freely. I was musing about my experience so far. I think that maybe my day at Zabaldika shouldn’t be expected to be the norm on my journey – like life it couldn’t be lived at that intensity. I still have more than half of the way to complete. Today brought a sense of contentment and refreshment of purpose.

    I came across George from Liverpool, again! We stopped at Boadilla del Camino for a coffee but I left him there to have a second cup and a bocadillo while I pushed on.

    The next section of the walk went from fields to canal side. It made for a different experience with boards describing the birds to be seen not that it was much help as it was in Spanish of course. It was a refreshing change even if the terrain remained quite flat today.

    II left the canal just before Fromista where I had a refreshment break and got some cash from a handy ATM. Walking the Camino you realise that here at least cash is still king in so many places.

    I didn’t linger too long in Fromista and once again pushed on until I reached Poblacion de Campos, where I had some juice and a comfort break then picked up some lunch at a Supermercado. With a name like that I had expected them to be bigger but in the smaller towns and villages they had the name of a supermarket but were essentially local convenience stores. The next stage of the walk involved a choice, walking beside a road with no shade or beside a river with shade. I am not quite sure why but I chose the road!

    I did find the variety of crops and fields interesting though believe it or not. I eventually reached my Albergue and it had a lovely relaxed feel to it. Hammocks in the garden with geese and a couple of donkeys on the other side of the fence. It had a ‘hippyish’ vibe I decided. The Ukrainian flag out front was because there was a Ukrainian girl working there. I had a lovely refreshing beer when I arrived and an ice cream.

    Who should appear at the Albergue but George from Liverpool. We had another long chat. I did my laundry and just lounged about in the garden. This was the fabled George from Liverpool strumming on a guitar which was lying around.

    The geese were cute even if I did get pecked once or twice.

    The communal meal was the best I had had so far. Salad, Vegetable soup, Pasta and Sauce, and Pork Loin with a yoghurt to finish. I was really full especially as I had eaten on the way. At dinner I spoke with an American mother and daughter who I would have taken as sisters. I am sure I had noticed them before somewhere.

    I managed to book accommodation for Wednesday and Thursday. It would just be a short day tomorrow to Carrion de los Condes where I planned to stay at the parochial hostel. I needed a dose of spiritual refreshment.