An unexpected encounter
Slow Ways Route – Snatho one
I walked through the town of Thorne noting that these bits were a bit more affluent than the areas I saw yesterday.
My first destination was the retail park where I had identified McDonalds as my preferred breakfast option. I people watched as I breakfasted then set off again. I successfully crossed under the M18 and set off towards the River Don.
As I walked along the side of the road it grieved me to see so much litter which so obviously had been chucked out of cars as they passed. Yes I had been on footpaths with some litter but roadsides seem to be a common dumping ground. It seemed to me that people have become separated from the landscape and the places they live in and travel through. One of the great things about walking is that you have a better connection to where you are.
I reached the river and walked over the bridge. It was flowing quite fast.
I passed a more extreme example of littering. Sadly fly tipping was evident all along this journey.
The walk along the river was very pleasant in the morning sunshine.
I approached a farmhouse at the end of this stretch of road. Just as I passed an old man was coming out of the house to sit on a bench.
He started chatting and invited me to sit with him. I was so glad I had a short journey today as I felt relaxed about taking the time to stop. We had a great time. I told him about what I was doing and he gave me a potted history of his life as a farmer, stories of his family and the flood a few years ago. His daughter came out the house and made us a cup of tea. It made my day to share some lime with such a lovely man. But I did have to go on eventually.
Flood defences were common.
I left the river and crossed over the Aire and Calder Navigation.
The scenery changed as I headed through fields and over another motorway, the M62 this time.
I walked through the village of Cowick into the town of Snaith. Both village and town are proud of their heritage.
I was really early so had a look round the town centre and stopped at a cafe for a sandwich and a cup of tea. I found my way to the Vicarage where I was staying and met my host Rev Eleanor Robertshaw.
My stay here was such a joy, I was happy being quiet, and catching up with things. We shared a meal together later and I was interested to find out she knew the man I chatted to earlier. The hospitality was great and for me this was a lovely place of quiet rest.