London to Gateshead

  • A Short Walk

    A Short Walk

    Slow Ways Route – Saxlin two

    I knew I didn’t need to rush today as it was only a short walk along the river to the village of Saxilby and a pre-booked campsite. I decided to trust my new boots and left the old ones in the hotel room as they were too far gone to even repair. The weather forecast was for rain this morning.

    A short walk brought me to the riverside and an area of modern restaurants and bars. I opted for breakfast at Wetherspoons. As I set off after breakfast I noticed the words on the bridge. So many things filled my head at that point. I had a destination for today and a finish for my walk but there were other deeper existential answers too.

    It soon started raining so I stopped to get all my waterproof stuff on and resigned myself to a wet walk.

    I was pleased with my new boots as they were keeping my feet dry. It would have been a more pleasant walk if it had been dry but it didn’t diminish my appreciation of my surroundings. I noticed lots of flood barriers in front of riverside houses which was interesting. I got out into the countryside and thankfully found a riverside hotel which though wasn’t officially open let me have a cup of coffee and use their facilities. I didn’t hurry and watched the rain outside.

    I didn’t want to overstay my welcome so continued and thankfully the rain began to ease and the sun came out. I passed a Marina and then temprarily diverted away from the river as the route took me beside a road. I stopped again for a coffee and a snack in a handy roadside cafe. I was killing time a bit. As I walked I saw countryside to my right and industrial units to my left.

    I walked along the riverbank through the village of Saxilby and along a canal/river to my campsite. It wasn’t busy and my neighbour was quite friendly although I did hear him in the night .

    I got a great welcome from the owners who once I was set up invited me for a glass of wine and a chat. It made my stay there all the more special, another example of the kindness of strangers.