Camino Day 35 – The Monastery at Samos
Wednesday 24th May 2023
Distance 10.5km / 6.5 miles
Tricastela – Samos
I was making the most of the time I had left on my journey to walk shorter days and after Morning Prayer I set of down the valley towards Samos with it’s famous Benedictine monastery. The scenery was beautiful as I walked through beautiful wooded valleys.
The scenery if not the photos was picture postcard perfect.
Every time I pass rivers and streams with still water I call to mind the words of Psalm 23
He leads me beside still waters,
Psalm 23:2-3
He restores my soulIt was only 09.30am and I climbed out of a valley and over the ridge to see Samos below me. It is such a beautiful location.
Walking down into the village it just gets better.
I stopped at a bar and had coffee and a Napoletana then went for a wander round the village.
I had plenty of time today so I went to the Monastery and booked a tour and had a look round their gift shop. My first impressions weren’t good as the monk in charge of the gift shop seemed really grumpy.
I got my ticket for the next tour. The buildings were impressive but largely the result of re-building after a fire in recent centuries.
The tour was only in Spanish but thankfully one of the visitors was translating as we walked around. It was still a working monastery but the ten monks and novices were in a closed off section. I couldn’t help but contrast it with the Benedictine monastery as Rabanal del Camino where we could share in their spiritual life. There were some great murals around the cloister, many of them depicting the life of St Benedict.
We had a look at the sacristy
Then ended the main tour in the church which though spectacular , didn’t move me somehow.
I checked in to the Albergue which was underneath the church. It was very basic but just what was needed. I went out for a meal in the evening. I was disappointed that there was not the opportunity to take part in a service. All in all while the day overall was great – I didn’t get the experience I was hoping for at the monastery.