Diversions on the Way

Slow Ways Route – Northi one – Thirsk to Northallerton

Distance 18km / 11 mi

It was great to be able to go downstairs at 07.00 and have a Wetherspoons breakfast, it made for a nice start to the day. I took my selfie to prove I had finished and started my Slow Ways Route

I headed through the town past some small shops and then down to the river past the church.

I had another ‘beside still waters’ moment.

I had a few senior navigational moments as I crossed a riverside meadow but continued along the river where I came across the first of today’s diversions. The footbridge was being repaired so I was diverted through the village of Kilverton and beside the roads until I could re-join the path. I managed to understand the map provided. I continued on using farm tracks then headed off across some fields which once again tested my navigational skills. It was one of those days. As I approached the Thornton stud there was another set of signs and maps. The actual route was quite straightforward in the end but in the confusion I apparently missed an obvious statue of the Buddha! I was happy to find a yellow arrow which reminded me of the Camino, navigation was so much easier on that walk.

Past the stud I was treated to some more views. I did notice the rain in the distance and hoped it would stay far away.

I stopped at the village of Thornton-le-Moor for a short break. I couldn’t see anything here apart from houses so made do with a handy bench and what I had in my pack. Going on I came to a field of corn, thankfully there was a way through.

I arrived at the town of Northallerton. It was only 13.45 so it was off to Wetherspoons for some refreshment.

It was too early to be thinking about checking in to my Airbnb but thankfully I found a handy booth in Wethersppons where I could settle in for the afternoon and charge my devices and get my Slow Ways Route review and my social media posts sorted. When it was time I headed to my Airbnb which turned out to be very nice.